
Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Wait is Over

506 days. That's how long we have been waiting. Waiting for the sex scene in Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part I. I guarantee furniture sales and Google searches for canopy beds will sky rocket after the world (yes the entire world) watches the highly anticipated and fantasized movie.

Before I became a member of the cult (Team Edward let me make clear)  I had heard about this notorious love scene. "They break the bed." Why would these four words even entice to me to read four books in a 2 week span? Maybe I was confused by what that statement meant or that I had finally found an acceptable reason to do a way with my Twi-bashing attitude. Which ever the case, I was hooked and could not wait for the infamous pillow shredding event. Much to my disappointment "the chapter" was less risque than any normal night on Gossip Girl. I hope to have my expectations met this weekend. Even though the movie is rated PG-13 I know they can push the envelope since Twilight rules the world.

Those of you going to see Twilight at at the break of dawn (get it?) don't spoil the scene for all of us creeps out here!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Daily Pippitt Returns

Go ahead, catch your breath, you're seeing correctly. The Daily Pippitt has a new post, in fact it's about to have a whole new life. You're about to have a whole new life. The Daily Pippitt is going to be going through some changes over the next few weeks. I encourage you to check back daily and get a taste of what you've been longing for. So lick your lips, your addiction is about to be satisfied.

Rehashing the Pippitt

I joined the Twitter world before most people and definitely way before it was cool. I was ahead of the curve and working for a social media company, but I found myself defending the platform and explaining "well it's kinda like facebook, but just your status, and you can follow people and get info and @ people". I don't know why people didn't catch on faster with that standard description.

My first tweets were stupid, random and definitely not funny, but I was tweeting and therefore cool. So it was quite the shocking surprise to me when I didn't know what hashtag meant. When did the Pound/Number sign feel that it was appropriate to rename its self and not tell anyone?

After I realized that # was no longer the way to restart the phone prompt, I was seeing and hearing it EVERYWHERE. All of the sudden # was the way to add the extra commentary already going on in your head. It was on the TV for people give their original thoughts and have topics trend. It was even making its way into dinner conversation. I had dinner with a friend and immediately following her statement she held her hands up letting her fingers lay over each other to create the ultimate human #. I paused for a minute and digested what went down.

How did I go from being in the know and socially advanced to not understanding the fictional word of hashtag. Even my Mac doesn't recognize it as a word. Is # going to fade out from the world outside Twitter? Will my text messages return to normalcy?- probably not- but not thanks to the #. I understand that # is maybe the new "Your Face" joke but can we just nix the hashtag name?
