
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Last Day of 2009...Make it Divine

New Year Promises

I don't usually declare New Year Resolutions, but this time I am making small promises to myself beginning with signing off my Twitter account. But before I break this meaningless habit I will first make my 1000th tweet before the stroke of 2010. I have about 30 or so tweets to go...a reachable feet considering I tweeted just under a 100 in one day back in August. (thanks for a great tweet-a-thon Ramon!) Follow me for my final moments on Twitter @Pippitt.

The second promise I have made to myself is to cut back on texting, especially when driving. I realized that 70% of all my incoming and outgoing texts are meaningless and only passing time. I mean look back to a couple weeks ago, I wrote an entire post on "How I can' t live without texting." It's crazy! It's time to cut the constant communication lines between me and everyone else!
It will be so liberating not being a slave to my iPhone. If you want to talk to me- CALL ME. People are forgetting how to have a conversation! Once 2010 comes so will a new law declaring any and all texting, emailing, ipod-ing while driving! There was a statistic I heard somewhere saying a person is 8 times more likely to get in an accident while texting. There certainly have been several times where I've had close calls.

That's all the self promises I have for 2010. So no hard feelings if I don't respond to your text message or god forbid not respond within 5 seconds. What are your New Year Promises??

Friday, December 25, 2009

Same Name Different Home

As a very thoughtful gift, my brother gave me the domain,! So from now on check up on my latest adventures, opinions and cravings at The Daily Pippitt!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Because I like it...

I love this song :)

Merry Christmas!!!

I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas and time with their friends and family! I tried to get Jackson to wear his Christmas collar, but he wasn't having it. I'll try and get a picture of him in his snuggie.

Monday, December 21, 2009

This will be good, that will be bad...

The Disney version of Alice in Wonderland was already created by drugged infused artists, but now the Tim Burton adaptation actually includes psychedelic crack heads as characters. Everything in the movie looks like how life would be if everyone constantly wore beer goggles. Johnny Deep plays the Mad Hatter and the Queen, played by Helena Bonham Carter, has a huge head and small tiny legs. The movie won't be out until early March, but check out the trailer...

One of my all time favorite movies is Robin Hood; Prince of Thieves, the one with Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman. I love everything from Costner's flowing locks to Marian's intricate gowns and of course the tree houses in Sherwood Forest. I was excited to see that a new Robin Hood is coming out staring Russel Crowe. My excitement quickly faded when I saw the god-awful trailer. The movie looks more like Gladiator meets 300...which it should since it's the same directors. Too many special effects and unrealistic settings will ruin this story.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

R.I.P. Brittany Murphy

Sad news hit today with the death of the beautiful and very funny Brittany Murphy. She suffered cardiac arrest early this morning. Brittany was 32 years young. I am so stunned from this news and truly saddened.

Friday, December 18, 2009


If I don't get a snuggie to match the one I just bought for Jackson I am going to be really ANGRY.

btw...War Eagle

Thursday, December 17, 2009

In Case You Are Wondering What I Want for Christmas...

As we get older Christmas gifts turn into a few big items instead of Fisher Price and Limited Too stuffed presents. This Christmas has been slightly less exciting due to the fact I picked out all my gifts and even ended up paying for some of them. In recent years electronic Christmas Lists have been emailed out to my family members in attempt to avoid any creative out of the box gifts. I'm still trying to figure out if last years "edgy" gift is meant to be a shirt or skirt... Anyways, as the economy "recovers" slowly I figured those of you reading my blog could collectively buy me this gorgeous meantforbrittany purse.

No pressure, but this purse would definitely cure any writers block of mine :) We all win

**Update- I ended up buy the purse as a "first job" gift! Plus it was on sale!**

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I recognize these guys....

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Cupcake meets iPhone

As the world becomes more obsessed with cute delectable cupcakes, I strive to create the most unique and smile-making designs. Although I didn't think of this all by myself, iPhone cupcakes are on my list of things to make. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to eat one too!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Because I've Over Blogged Today...

You're Welcome...

Snooki gets jacked in the face!

You wont be able to stop watching! Hilarious! Snooki or Snickers whatever her nickname is gets jacked in the face on MTV's Jersey Shore...

****Sorry guys but the video was removed from YouTube****

Life Without Texting

If we didn't text we would be far better off for
the following reasons...
  • No more frantically searching for your phone the morning after a gloriously sloppy night out to insure that you didn't send that racy stext (photo?) to your potential love interest, ex boyfriend or current boyfriends' roommate. Please please please tell me I didn't send that.... Many relationships and dignity have been lost do to drunk texting. Don't drink and text my friends.
  • Misinterpretation of texts have gotten me in some serious binds. One wrong response and before you know it a full text message fight (TMF) has unfolded. If we stopped texting we wouldn't have to deal with page long bitch-out texts that never A. make sense or B. reiterate the point of the last text. Texting has been the biggest crutch for drama hungry people always seeking for the night fight.
  • When exchanging texts, most of the information is mindless. I am tried of the "what's up" text or "I'm bored". I am just as guilty as anyone when it comes to this, but I am really going to cut back on my texting come New Years Resolutions. Unless you or I have something meaningful or thought provoking, I am not wasting my time.
  • We would all be better drivers

Reasons why texting makes my life wonderful...

  • 85% of the things I say though texts I would never say to a person's face. And that especially includes any annoying emoticons. A person can hide behind their texts and morph into a completely different, sometimes more outgoing and flirtatious person. I'll admit my texts tend to be far off from what normally comes out of my mouth, but it's texting courage that makes it exciting.
  • Passing of time, especially at work. In some cases, like mine, I work in an environment that enables me to text as much as I please. It is cure of boredom I am convinced. Texting allows making plans easy and quick. I've already sent 5 texts since the start of this post.
  • Constant communication. It's sickening how much in-tuned everyone is with each other's lives. From exact point of location to exact place of mind, texting allows us to share every second of our lives with our friends.
  • I never thought I would say this but....I love texting my parents. Over time they have drastically improved and no longer send jumbled words or OVER USE OF CAPITALS. With my family living in all different states across the U.S. texting has become a go to way to catch up and communicate. However I could do without the plethora of lol's Mom...
We all probably text too much. Telling everyone your whereabouts and explaining your latest trip to the bathroom is all too unnecessary. It's intriguing when a person is somewhat mysterious with their life!

Talk about text obsessed!

I Miss Her Too...

I don't know what has happened to me, but I don't like it. I am bringing back the Pippitt I knew two years ago. The irresponsible, spontaneous man-eater and the life of the party. If you remember my Boosh Magazine articles, you are in for a personal treat! Effective immediately.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Douche Bag of 2009

I absolutely love Scott Disick and all of his douchery. His smirks, ego slicked hair and overall laziness. Everyone seems to hate him but I think he is awesome. Hands down the most hated reality tv star since Spencer Pratt.

Those of you living under a rock, Scott Disick is Kourtney Kardashian's boyfriend and the father of her much awaited son. Even though Disick looked like a weasel and even his name is chachy and straight up sleazy car sales man.

I would say lay off the hair gel and leave the florescent colored shirts in the closet, but that's why E! obsessed reality minions love you :) Keep up the good douchery!

Swine Flu

Yep, I got it. Well, I had it...

After three days of missed work and a long weekend of hell, I have finally recovered from the ever ominous H1N1. But it just goes to show that even with all the hand washing, flu shots, anti-bacterial and avoiding the sick, I still managed to get sick. Too sick to even blog and text! Imagine!

So tomorrow starts the return to the grueling work week and with only one weekend left until Christmas I just know it's going to be stressful.

But Keeping Up with the Kardashians is coming on.....update you later on my post swine flu.....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Top 10 of 2009

This year was big for me! Here is a run down. I hope to make the last three weeks of the year the best three weeks!

10. Getting bangs and liking them
9. The inauguration of Obama into the White House
8. The death of Michael Jackson (most sad moment)
7. The explosion of Lady Gaga into the music scene
6. My first private jet experience
5. iPhone picture messaging
4. Traveling to London and Berlin
3. Adopting Jackson
2. Landing a job
1. Graduating college!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Personal Confession:

I broke down. I read Eclipse in one week.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tim Tebow is a Cry Baby

Yes the game was emotional. Yes he blew it. Yes it was his last real college football game. But in no way is it okay to cry your eyes out after a loss during a national televised interview. Save if for the locker room! Tebow stop crying your heart out you had a good run. Even though you broke your "promise"

Friday, December 4, 2009

These people can't actually exist...

I watched a few minutes of the new TV show Jersey Shore on MTV last night only to be dumbfounded by the extreme lack of brain cells these people posses. The show is basically The Real World with all Guidos and Guidettes. These products of over tanning and fist pumps vacation at the Jersey Shore for summer and make out with anyone with legs. All of the cast members have nicknames like "Snooki", "Jwowow" and "The Situation". My favorite character (he looks more like a cartoon than a human) is Paulie D. He has a tanning bed in his house and covered in tattoos and piercings (yes, even "down there"). As I watched with my mouth hanging open from astonishment, I had to ask if these people actually exist of if they are just playing up their Staten Island roots for the entertainment of good ol' fashion reality TV. Truly great heinous television you will love to watch. For endless laughter and ego booster watch the intro video to Jersey Shore.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Love Hate Relationships

We all have them. We love to hate and hate to love. These aching and complicated relationships may come in forms of people, habits, pleasures or states of mind. They suck you in and spit you back out leaving you stripped from everything you thought you had. So as you stand there shivering you struggle to think back to what it was you loved so much and as the poison settles deeper you slowly loose sight of the warm giddy love as the dense cloud of hate and disgust moves in. This of course is the extreme dramatized example as my most recent love hate relationships have shifted from running to my bangs to my guilty and most regretfully pleasure of Twilight.

The Twilight phenomenon can only be explained by mind tranced subliminal messages. Teens, twenty-somethings and even over the hill women have been captivated by Twilight. I get the hysteria and where the obsession comes from, being that I had a slight stint of lust for Zac Efron a few years ago, but I don't understand why girls are ga-ga over Rob Pattinson. (C'mon he is no Brad or Zac) Still, despite my overall hate for Twilight I am nevertheless obsessed with it. I have not read any of the books but I did rent the movie and I have found my
self excited about the release of New Moon. I hate to love Twilight. And now, as the New Moon craze flows wildly through our blood streams I can admit that I have undoubtedly jumped on the Twilight bandwagon and I fully intend on seeing the movie this weekend and even had my coworker burn me a copy of the Twilight DVD. May the subliminal messages control me and hold me under Rob Pattinson's scary yellow gave and pasty skin.

Moving on to more re
latable love hate relationships, the most obvious one I believe is the undying demon of physical exercise. I don't believe for one second those people who say the "truly enjoy working out" I get the post workout high- it's a great feeling. But those crazy people waking up at 4am to get that workout in is just astonishing to me. Not even Santa can get me out of bed that early. I have a serious love hate with running and it is something I am working out.

Girls have it much worse than guys. Not only do we have to look amazingly hot all the time, which isn't really alllllll that difficult, but we have to put up with daily nuisances. At least twice a year I get the brilliant idea to get bangs. It always sounds like a great idea coming out of my hairstylist mouth (damn you Sonya) and I find myself two weeks later hating them. Sure they look great in a third of the pictures taken and I occasionally get that sultry sexy vixen look just right. But more times then not I pull them back with a bobbi-pin. My love hate relationship with my bangs is starting to feel more like a marriage with the divorce lawyer on speed dial.

Why do we torture ourselves??! Is that seldom taste of pleasure so gratifying that we cannot live without it? Are the people intertwined in our love hate relationships so addictive that rehab is the only way to overcome them? So whatever your choice of drug may be we will all continue to indulge in the very things that drive us crazy. Now hurry on to your Twilight showing!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Winter's Coming: Don't Cry About It

I spotted the first sign of winter last night as I pulled into my garage- the landscapers put up the snow sticks. Snow sticks are indicators the for snow plow drivers to know where the drive way ends and grass begins. I got excited over this little orange sticks thinking about the year's first snow fall.As winter approaches the complaints climb. Here are some things to look forward to...

Ginger Bread Lattes at Starbucks (+Holiday cups)
If you remember my excitement over Pumpkin Spiced Lattes you can assume the same for ginger bread. I don't know what Starbucks does but every sip of a ginger bread latte is like having little ginger bread men dancing in your mouth. Who wouldn't enjoy that. Plus you get that extra holiday boost with the red and white snow flake cups!

NCAA FOOTBALL: November=great college football. It's nearing the end of regular season and the best games are yet to come. Since UGAy sucks this year, I am expecting a great Auburn/UGA game and as for the Iron Bowl, I'm staying positive. As winter steadily inches forward so do bowl predictions and the NCAA Championship and of course the Heisman. War Eagle!

LEGGINGS: This is a positive for both girls and guys. With short shorts and mini skirts becoming less prevalent, leggings are taking center stage. Girls love them for their comfort and accessibility. Guys love them for the contouring of girl's assets.

BODY HEAT: Best way to stay warm during these cold winter months is to snuggle up with someone. The greatest excuse for getting close with strangers. Or if you'd like, snuggle by yourself in your Snuggie.

CHRISTMAS: Enough said.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Greatest Show on TV

If anyone caught Cougar Town last night you will agree with me that Courtney Cox definitely showed up and put on a hilarious show. Quick summary, Cox, 40, is divorced and back on the prowl. She meets a youngster at a bar and brings him home only to be caught red handed by her teenage son. Cox delivers 30 minutes of original and down right funny comedy. Cougar Town, Wednesdays ABC at 8:30p.m.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mr. J

I adopted a kitten 3 weeks ago and I am now starting to believe that he is indeed a crazy tyrant trying to ruin my life. Of course he is cute 90% of the time, but that other 10% I want to kick him as if I were Wes Byrum. Jackson, Mr. J, doesn't believe in sleeping during normal hours, and therefore when I am sleeping he will pounce on my face, chew my hair and swat my face with yet-to-be declawed paws. Mr. J has since been sleeping in my bathroom. Okay, so a few sleepless nights, no big deal, yeah right. Mr. J also sprawls out on my lap top, sticks his face in my water glasses, hides all my hair ties, tries to jump in the shower with me, climbs bookcases and my personal favorite, climbing through a hole in the cabinetry leading through the air-ducts of the house and ending up in the depths of the basement. But everytime I go to yell at him I look at that adorable face and can't help but smile. Mr. J may drive me crazy but he is so damn cute when he sleeps in the nook of my arm.


Today is the first day of Fall!!! One day closer to tights, boots, scarves, jackets and ginger bread lattes...


Hey guys! Sorry it's been forever, but I recently started a new a job at NameDrop. It's a new website company catering to the lives of the elite. The extraordinary and accomplished people you already know any love are blasting their lives on the site. NameDrop offers an exclusive look inside the lives of celebrities, athletes, business moguls and more. Check out this new start up website to get the inside information on upcoming events, exclusive invites and even connect with the celebrities! I love working here and hope everyone enjoys the site!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


There are few websites that I compulsively check everyday. These include my gmail, Facebook, and yes, Twitter. However, I have recently learned about a new start-up website, Groupon offers daily deals across 20 states nation wide. When I say "deals" I actually mean AMAZING deals that you would be stupid to pass up. Recent deals have included $100 off Skydiving, $40 for a year's unlimited pass to the Chicago Art Institute, 50% off clothing-actual designers, salon services, restaurants and tickets to local sporting events and many many more. We are all going to spend money on things so why not spend less and get more?? There is some small print. Groupon's deals only work if a certain amount of people "buy" the deal. When the deal tips the deal is on. So get your friends to join the Groupon craze! Check them out and start saving!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jury Duty

I am currently serving Jury Duty for Lake county. This consists of me, as well as 150 other people, waiting in a room until random numbers are called for jury selection. Believe me, it's exactly like pulling lotto numbers or my favorite, Bingo. But I'd like to let everyone know that the next time you receive the notice in the mail don't cringe and start immediately complaining. I had the same reaction up until I actually served. Although the days are long, most people only have to attend the jury commission one or two days a week, unless you are chosen for an actual trail-which is actually very interesting and educational.

Okay, so you have to take a day off from work-not the worst thing in the world considering you are still getting paid by your employer. Yes, you do have a lot of "unavoidable idle time", but heeeelllllooo bring your updated ipod, laptop, and book. Who wouldn't like a virtually free day to surf the Internet or finish a great book? I thought jury duty consisted people sitting in a jam packed room inches from each other with little to no elbow room. I had images of people breathing on me and even touching me-gross. Talk about complete lack of personal space. But this is not the case! There is plenty of room for people to spread out. Tables and even computers are available along with free wifi access. So go ahead, watch that movie you downloaded and haven't had time to watch! Another unnoticed perk of jury duty is the $5 credit for lunch or coffee. I know $5-wow what kind of lunch is that going to buy you. WRONG>the cafeteria provides delicious sandwiches, salads, and even paninis to the jurors for all of $5 including a bag of chips and soft drink!! Oh yeah, it was good too!

So let's recap- paid vacation day from the rest of annoying cubical-chip-chomping coworkers, an entire business day free to your leisure, and a free lunch. Okay, this isn't sounding so bad. Hmmmmm jury duty or dentist....jury duty please!! I can admit that I thoroughly enjoyed my day sitting in a room full of strangers. It's amazing what you can learn from others and my personal favorite pastime- NETWORKING. Let's get real people and stop bashing jury duty!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

College Football=Love

The only thing I truly miss about college is the football. College football for many is a way of life and while attending school in the deep south, I was no exception. The week of school before a football game is exciting and the spirit is contagious among students and faculty. Game day is an experience I will never forget. Tailgating for hours and dressing in orange and blue is always fun even if you look like a fool with your face painted. I can't wait to watch the game on TV at a local bar and proudly cheer for Auburn, even if Tubbs is gone now. For my Auburn friends, I am trying to plan a trip down for a game soon!!

Reasons to Embrace the Approaching Fall

Although Chicago has been suffering through summer's impostor, there is light at the end of the tunnel. With Fall rapidly approaching, that only means three very satisfying things. First, Pumpkin Spiced Lattes are back at Starbucks starting today, September 1st. I am %100 addicted to this legal crack that sells for $4. The Pumpkin Spiced Lattes are savory and sweet and will brighten up any grey depressing day. I'm seriously thinking about putting this post on hold while I run to get my first of many daily fixes.

My second favorite thing about Fall is the premiere of new prime-time TV. This Fall's TV lineup looks absolutely amaaaaazing. With the old usuals of Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, and Private Practice out of the limelight, new shows are emerging with original story lines and refreshing casts. ABC alone has 6 new shows set to premiere during the last week of September. Courtney Cox has yet another series, Cougar Town, where she plays a hot cougar on the prowl for younger hotties and Patricia Heaton returns to a dysfunctional family yet again in
The Middle. I am also interested in checking out ABC's most talked about new drama, FlashForward. FlashForward premieres Thursday Sept. 24 before Grey's Anatomy (which I'll admit I'm still gonna watch) and follows several characters lives as the entire world blacks out for 2 minutes. Looks like it is going to be a hybrid of 24 and Lost. Over on NBC, the obvious winner is still The Office, but stay tuned for the new hit of Community with E!'s The Soup's Joel McHale and is produced by the Emmy Award winning directors of Arrested Development. A show that I am going to try and get into is Fox's Glee Club which is returning for it's second season. Glee Club stars the knee-slapping funny Jane Lynch and is a comedy about a struggling high school glee club that is fighting for the spotlight against the oh-so-powerful cheerleading squad. Check out Glee Club's soundtrack on iTunes.

The third and final reason I am looking forward to Fall is the amount of fashion emerging. Although I am no fashion forward maven, I do enjoy the latest trends and fads, even if I can't always afford them. That's what Forever21 is for! Anyways, on below average cool days in Fall I will be wrapped up in a cozy scarf and my suede boots. Fall fashion is always exciting and with the recent new episodes of The Rachel Zoe show on Bravo, my wanna-be fashion forward alter ego emerges. As I said, I'm not too savvy on the fashion front, but I am looking forward to the plaid (i think it's gonna be big?) and the leather and obviously my signature black

Monday, August 31, 2009

20 emails, 20 rejections

We can't deny it, applying for jobs is far more easier now than it was say 10 years ago. I can apply to 20 jobs in 20 minutes with just a few clicks and uploads using the Internet. Less than a decade ago applying for jobs over the Internet was rarely heard of among average people. Back in the day eager college graduates had to use their printers to produce endless copies of their crisp resumes. The only way to get those hopeful resumes into employers hand's was to physically walk in to the office or snail mail. Now, I can apply for a job in Singapore without leaving my bed. It's kind of ridiculous. With the abundance of technology available our generation has being extremely lazy. I find people, and sometimes myself, cringing at the fact that they have to make a phone call apposed to the sending of an impersonal email. People have lost the capability to communicate in a non-electronic manner.

So our generation is getting bashed again, nothing new. On the flip-side, recent graduates are much more tech-savvy than a current CEO was at our age. We can download, send, blog, tweet, render, text, powerpoint, design, etc. in our sleep. It's an advantage that many of us take for granite. My mother, proudly texting, tells me daily that I should take advantage of my tech-inclined genes while hunting for a job. I tell her, yeah yeah mom, i know.

Since our generation is primarily on the same playing field as far as computer knowledge goes, the competition has now shifted to the creativity of what one can do with their naturally born skills. Walking into an interview with a 4.0 from Northwestern doesn't mean you are good at what you do. Employers are interested in how a candidate uses his or her skills to produce successful results. For one thing, when applying for journalism, writing, PR, marketing jobs (to name only a few fields) one of the main questions posed during the interview is, "Do you keep a blog?" Employers want to know what you are doing with "this God given talent." And if you search the black-hole that is the Internet, you will find every kind of blog and then some. So I ask, what can I do to set me apart from my competitors? Should I walk around with my skills printed on a T-shirt and the words Hire Me on my forehead?

Maybe it is easier to apply for jobs and internships today, but it doesn't mean a person will be anymore successful in landing their "dream job" out of college. The only thing increasing with my rapid job hunt is the amount of rejection or "we went with someone more skilled" replies. However, my spirits are high and rejection only fuels my motivation. I send my best to everyone's personal job obtaining game.

Next up; "It's not what you know, it's who you know"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Meatloaf Special

Whenever I eat out at a restaurant I typically check out what specials the place is offering. While in college my friends and I were frequently strapped for cash and always hit up the local specials of food and beer...penny beers saved me a ton of money. Anyways, the "specials" menu always looks like such a great deal, $3 pints, so many wings for so little, all you can eat blah blah blah. But unfortunately I rarely eat out on a night that is serving anything appetizing or interesting. The past 3 times I have eaten out the special has been meatloaf. Does anyone actually eat meatloaf anymore? And if people do eat it, do they actually order it at a restaurant that specializes in, let's say, Mexican cuisine or pizza??! Just the word meatloaf alone sounds unappetizing. A loaf of meat with ketchup sprinkled on top. I don't think I have had meatloaf in the past 15 years and I don't plan on eating or making it for the rest of my gourmet palette life. The texture and consistency of meatloaf is similar to a sponge...right? It's airy yet there even meat in meatloaf? I've given up on nightly specials. If anyone has had an encounter with meatloaf recently please let me know.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Perez Hilton: Down and Out

About a year ago I checked Perez Hilton's gossip website daily. Now, with my semi-adult responsible life, I have stopped my daily grazing on Perez's site. But when there was that confrontation between Perez and Will.I.Am.'s manager, I revisited his site. I realized then that Perez Hilton dishes out so much sh*t and then gets so defensive when someone rightfully retaliates. It's pathetic. Although most of Perez's posts are true, his personal comments and drawings are rude and down right mean. Perez uses words that are equivalent to "gay" or "fag" (such words that Perez finds offensive to homosexuals like himself). I understand Perez says and does 98% of these things for the publics entertainment, but shouldn't there be a line?? Since then I have boycotted Perez Hilton's website and all other affiliates.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Europe Trip

Planning a trip this October to London, Amsterdam, Berlin and Prague.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What Should Brittany Do Today??

I have a new idea to completely revamp my blog. Actually it will be a completely different blog entirely. The concept is rather simple; people suggest things for me to do each day and in turn I do them and then write about my interesting experience. Now, what people suggest for me to do must be in reason. Fore example, it cannot not be illegal, disgraceful or directly harmful to my body. Here are some ideas that people may suggest (for course people will be more creative): Skydiving, swimming in Lake Michigan, Sears Tower's Ledge, get in an argument with a stranger, eat 10 hot dogs around the city, walk around Michigan Avenue in an entirely purple body suit, bike ride and so on and so on. There is one minor catch- if a person suggests that I do something very extravagant such as skydiving, the person must foot the bill. I am unemployed and do not have $200 to throw out the window-literally. So what will the readers get out of it? Well, while carrying my duties out for the day I will provided pictures, video, a humorous and engaging article. So let me know what you think!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Check this video out that my brother put together for my graduation from Auburn.

The Best Sandwiches

My family used to summer in Harbor Springs, MI until real life began to interfere. Harbor Springs is located at the very top of lower Michigan. One of my favorite places to eat in HS is a small deli and wine shop (similar to the LF Wine and Cheese) named Gurney's. The sandwiches are loaded with freshly sliced meat, thic
k slabs of cheese and a homemade secret deli sauce. The thick slices of soft bread complete every bite. The best thing about Gurney's is the nonchalant atmosphere and the friendliness of the local owner. While only accepting cash for payment, Gurney's has kept a loyal following. Every time I am back in Harbor Springs I can always count on the consistency of Gurney's and the delicious Trainwrek sandwich. I hope Gurney's maintains its small town authentic feel and doesn't sell out sometime down the road. Those of you lucky enough to have experienced one of these gigantic sandwiches you know what I am talking about.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Well, I have finally graduated from college and at the same time upgraded to a new Mac. For the past 4 years I have been lugging around a 12’ PowerBook G4...the screen was the size of a calculator and square. Now, with my MacBook Pro I not only have a rectangular screen, but also a camera and illuminated keyboard...all new and luxurious. I don’t care what anyone says, once you go Mac you never go back. My entire life consists of Apple products and I intend on keeping it that way.

So what’s next for me? Since graduating college less than a week ago, I have already had two job interviews and 0 hires. My outlook is still optimistic even with the unemployment rate climbing daily. In the mean time, I have been brainstorming with my brother on possible business opportunities. And in order to brainstorm we found it necessary to purchase a 4x6 whiteboard. Our basement has been converted in to a control center equipped with thought provoking decor and comfortable creative furniture.

My first idea was to blog and vlog daily and have people donate money and essentially pay to see what I have to say. That idea fizzled out quickly, more to come.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kings Of Leon

I am so jealous of those attending Kings of Leon this weekend at Lollaplooza! Unfortunately, I have a small obligation called college graduation. I still think KOL trumps graduation, however my parents think otherwise. For the rest of you poor fools who are missing them at Lolla don't worry! Tickets are still available for KOL's show in Milwaukee September 26.For those of you going let me know how it is!!

Something to Try

I am usually a generous tipper when it comes to dining out. It takes a lot to go wrong during a meal to effect my perception of the waiter or waitress. This previous weekend I went out to breakfast and although I was hungover and unhappy, the waitress left such a lasting impression on me that I felt compelled to show my gratitude. I ultimately tipped this adorable high schooler 100%.

The rest of the day I was beaming with happiness. I knew the young girl would appreciate the tip and always remember it. Doing little things like this always make me feel good and is such a natural high. I encourage you guys to try it!
Is anyone else feeling extremely discouraged regarding the job search? Some days I am very optimistic and then other days I have nightmares that I am going to end up working at Burger King. If I could truly have it my way I would move to Australia with my 10 best friends and give money to charities as my career.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Tunes

My iTunes has been temporarily invaded by two new bands- The Airborne Toxic Event (T.A.T.E) and The Script- Although the bands have both been around for a few years, their music is currently blowing up American radio stations. The rock band T.A.T.E was formed in Los Angeles and has a recent hit single- Sometime Around Midnight. This song lacks a traditional chorus and is completely refreshing in comparison to that over played Second Chance song. I love driving to their music- especially on my way to work. 

The Script surprisingly has been around since the mid 90's, but have been going by their current name since 2001. This Irish pop rock band has topped the charts and even took over Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl." Definitely check them out and add them to your everyday playlist. The Script's hit single right now is The Man Who Can't Be Moved, but also listen to my favorite, Before the Worst 

Monday, August 3, 2009

[Not So] Funny People

My humor ego was boosted yesterday. I went to go see the new movie Funny People and left bored and with 8 dollars less in my pocket. Everyone has been talking this movie up acting like it is the new Superbad. And that's what it was-super bad. It had a handful of one-liners that got the theater laughing, but the humor was dirty and I found myself laughing only because the rest of the theater was. Adam Sandler looked like he hated acting and wanted to kill himself. Seth Rogen's teeth bothered me even more and all I could think about was the recent Entourage episode. In addition to the lack of comedy, the movie was almost 2 and 1/2 hours long. Story line was drawn out and simply boring. The only plus is that moviegoers are graced with the beauty of Eric Bana.

My advice, since you are blatantly asking, is to not see it. Wait until its on PPV and you have a boring night. Save your money!

There Is No Excuse

I am embarrassed for the lack of posts and therefore will over post. I can blame it on summer school and say that I haven't had time but that's completely false. I can blame it on my busy social schedule, but we all know that is false as well. I blame it on my recent boring life and simple lack of creativity (still pretty false). 

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson

I have always loved MJ. Even during his years of trials and perversion, he always had a soft spot in my heart. MJ's music has touched every part of the world and as the King of Pop, MJ produced countless amount of hits beginning with Jackson 5. His innovative dance moves and contagious lyrics inspired all artists. As a child growing up I remember listening to his music, my favorite song is Black or White, and his music even made it into Disney's Free Willy. I will even admit and embarrass myself by saying I was very close to dressing up like MJ for Halloween one year in elementary school. White glove and all. Although MJ had several haters he had (has) a huge following of fans that even camped outside his Beverly Hills home. It's emotional and unbelievable. CNN has been covering the story and currently playing Billy Jean :( The kid is not my son... MJ's Thriller album was the highest grossing EVER!
We all grew up with Michael Jackson and it is shocking to believe that this icon has passed. I was looking forward to attending a concert or hearing new music. I always wished to have dinner with Michael Jackson and just pick his brain on his colorful past. MJ was truly a legend and will be missed.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Brian Hall Weddings

Support my brother!! As many of you know my brother Brian is a videographer and has filmed many television shows you regularly watch. However, Brian also moonlights as a wedding videographer and produces unforgettable videos capturing that spacial day. If you or someone you know is getting married please check out my brother's website, Brian Hall Weddings. Don't worry about location, Brian will travel virtually anywhere and at anytime, trust me he's missed many birthdays due to work.

Sneaky Sunday

Hey guys. If you have recently moved to a new city or you're looking to find a new restaurants or happy hour check out Sneaky Sunday. This website is similar in concept to CitySearch and MetroMix, but it breaks down each restaurant and bar into different categories. So, say you are in Chicago and craving Mexican food or you're in Seattle for a business trip and need a place for a lunch meeting, Sneaky Sunday will help you find exactly what you are looking for! Not only does Sneaky Sunday offer the best recommendations, but it also supplies accurate and personal overviews along with selected video of the actual establishment.

I will admit I am a little biased. I did work for Sneaky Sunday. However, I would never suggest something that I didn't believe in. Use this website the next time you are planning an event, bachelor party, baby shower, or even your Friday night date.

Thug Story

We've heard it a million times. Whether at the pool, club, or in a passing SUV, T-pain's I'm On a Boat, has simply taken over radio airwaves. Guys and girls have been screaming at the top of their lungs this phrase when they aren't even near a boat. I don't get it. Watch this video of Taylor Swift remaking I'm On a Boat as she appropriately titles it Thug Story. Very funny and Taylor's eyes are still too narrow to even see. Watch the video. NOW!

Taylor Swift's Thug Story

Monday, June 15, 2009

Lose the Tude

I apologize for the lack of posts. I visited home this past weekend and simply did not want to use my vacation time in front of my computer. However, my flight back to Atlanta this afternoon warrants a post, maybe two. Flying is something I don't necessarily love, but I have to do it. Going to the bathroom on an airplane is never enjoyable and I try to avoid it at all costs. Today though I was an idiot and didn't make a pit stop before boarding the plan. Halfway through the flight I really had to go and just downed a soda. There was no amount of crossing my legs or readjusting that helped my bladder. Of course, the illuminated seat belt sign had been on for the past thirty minutes and now the pilot announced our initial decent into the Atlanta area. This was my last chance before I ran into bigger problems. I polity asked (as if I was a huge inconvenience to my seat mates) to move aside as I tried to avoid any personal leg or ass contact. As soon as the three of us stood up a flight attendant immediately barked at me "Where are you going?!" And in a slow and calm voice with question inflection I responded "The restroom...?" This short hobbit looking women grabbed my empty soda can and with a snooty sarcastic voice said "The pilot just announce landing orders, great time to get up." I was completely shocked that this flight attendant had just said these things to me. I laughed under my breath as my entire attitude of flight attendants changed in that single moment. How dare she speak to me that way. We pay more and more every time we fly and receive less and less. Not only did I not receive the stale peanuts, but now I was exposed to the wrath of some unhappy hobbit that hated her life.

To complete the scene I walked to the back of the plan replaying in my mind what had just happened and as I reach the next attendant she picks up the PA and announces that everyone needs to remain seated. When I finally approach her she makes a motion of "There you go" as she rudely displayed the lavatory to me with a smile that should have been smacked off of her face. Needless to say I responded with a I'm better than you smile and entered the miniature bathroom. I was now pissed off and took my time and slowly walked back to my seat. When I sat back down I commented to my seat mates, who where also recovering from the shocking remarks, that the attendants were acting like the plane was in mid-landing. We chuckled loudly as the the hobbit hobbled by collecting used cups from passengers.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stop Bashing Twitter

Twitter is slowly becoming everyone's new addiction and it has no intentions of slowing down. It's inevitable and everyone needs to cooperate and jump on the bandwagon. People claim they are "above" Twitter, Facebook, and blogging, but in reality their rebellion is conformity in disguise. Twitter is basically 100% Facebook status updating. So why be attached to two social networking sites? Twitter is a great marketing mechanism and has proven to be the newst and fastest way to spread information. For example, a few weeks ago I was visiting my dad in California and for the first time I experienced an earth quake. Seconds later I updated my Twitter and news of the earthquake hit Twitter before it even came into the news desks.(I knew something before Anderson Cooper??!) My point is, Twitter is a great concept, you just need to understand it. Join now and start following your friends, celebrities, and Heidi Montag. Follow me @ Pippitt

Summer Reading List

I love books. I love getting completely wrapped up in the story and not being able to set the book down. Recently, I have been sticking to light and fun beach reads that are quick and fabulous. I have a few recommendations for all of you unemployed beach and LFC bums.

1. Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah- This book was recommended to me by a friend and I encourage everyone to read it-the girls at least. It takes place beginning in the 1970's and continues to present day following two childhood best friends and all the heart ache and joy that is attached. This book actually made me cry, which is a rare occurrence.

2. Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger- This author is most famously known for her remarkable and hilarious book, The Devil Wears Prada. This juicy novel follows three best friends living in NYC during their "almost 30 years." It's an easy read and you will be able to connect with each girl's story line. I also hear Weisbergur's Everyone Worth Knowing is just as engaging and addicting, it is next on my book list.

3. True Colors by Kristin Hannah- I didn't think I was going to enjoy this book as much as Firefly Lane, but I was wrong. I am currently still reading and can not put it down! It takes place in Washington and follows a family grieving the loss of their mother. The three Grey sisters take care of their sadden father while gossip, passion, and revenge surround their lives. I haven't finished it yet, but I know it's going to have an amazing ending!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Saga

I may or may not give in and watch Twilight. However, you will not find those books in my hands ever.

Third Wheel

I want to address a topic that not everyone understands completely. The idea of being "the third wheel" is not something a person desires to be and is never enjoyable. I deserve a trophy for the amount of third wheeling I have done in the past 6 months. I enjoy being single and living independently while I move on to the next phase of my life. However, I don't get gratification from sitting on my couch alone on a Sunday night. It seems all of my friends have suddenly started dating people. One would think Auburn would be filled with eligible bachelors, but I have exceeded the limit of Guy Harvey and colored croakies that I can handle for my entire lifetime. My roommate sometimes asks me to join her and her boyfriend it make dinner or watch a movie which I appreciate, but typically turn down this invitation. No matter how close you are with your friends or a couple you automatically feel isolated and often times uncomfortable and even feel like the couple would rather be alone. When third wheeling the person cannot help but wish they had a significant other, at least at that particular moment in time. This is not a post bashing couples and people madly in love. This post is bringing those couples to the attention of the third wheel and how awkward and undesirable it is to a single when put in the situation. You should embrace your singleness and learn to dodge the dreaded third, fifth, and even seventh wheel trauma.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Lose It!

The best application for the iPhone ever created...Lose It! This free app helps avid snackers track their daily intake of calories. Lose It! provides a database of generic food, brand name foods, and popular restaurant items to ensure accurate entries. (You will never want to late night again.) I have been using Lose It! for a couple of months and I absolutely love it! I have never really counted calories or anything like that, but this app allows me see what I have eaten so far and helps me to make healthy choices. Lose It! also tracks the amount of exercise you complete each day (everything from running to sexual activity). If you are trying to lose the college weight I suggest getting this application immediately. Try not to get obsessed with it, sorry crackberries.

Making It Through an Unemployed Summer

I am tired of being told about the unpromising job industry with the limited amount of jobs available and the unemployment rate already raising to 9.4%. What happened to our parents lecturing about "you must graduate college in 4 years or else." My parents are begging me to attend graduate school in hopes that the job industry will magically turn around in 2 years. Fresh graduates everywhere are shuttling into big cities with dreams of landing "the perfect job." It kills me to do this to you, but the only time you'll be using "perfect" is after the word "aaahhh" which will come immediately after a chilled shot of tequila. Tequila shots will get you through this unemployed summer as your mom and dad lay down the law with resume sending and interview dressing. Tequila makes everything better, my sophomore year is proof. Don't let the looming cloud of unemployment ruin your summer. Summer should be about...well nothing. Nothing except tequila shots and the cubs :)