
Thursday, September 10, 2009


There are few websites that I compulsively check everyday. These include my gmail, Facebook, and yes, Twitter. However, I have recently learned about a new start-up website, Groupon offers daily deals across 20 states nation wide. When I say "deals" I actually mean AMAZING deals that you would be stupid to pass up. Recent deals have included $100 off Skydiving, $40 for a year's unlimited pass to the Chicago Art Institute, 50% off clothing-actual designers, salon services, restaurants and tickets to local sporting events and many many more. We are all going to spend money on things so why not spend less and get more?? There is some small print. Groupon's deals only work if a certain amount of people "buy" the deal. When the deal tips the deal is on. So get your friends to join the Groupon craze! Check them out and start saving!

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