
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Promises

I don't usually declare New Year Resolutions, but this time I am making small promises to myself beginning with signing off my Twitter account. But before I break this meaningless habit I will first make my 1000th tweet before the stroke of 2010. I have about 30 or so tweets to go...a reachable feet considering I tweeted just under a 100 in one day back in August. (thanks for a great tweet-a-thon Ramon!) Follow me for my final moments on Twitter @Pippitt.

The second promise I have made to myself is to cut back on texting, especially when driving. I realized that 70% of all my incoming and outgoing texts are meaningless and only passing time. I mean look back to a couple weeks ago, I wrote an entire post on "How I can' t live without texting." It's crazy! It's time to cut the constant communication lines between me and everyone else!
It will be so liberating not being a slave to my iPhone. If you want to talk to me- CALL ME. People are forgetting how to have a conversation! Once 2010 comes so will a new law declaring any and all texting, emailing, ipod-ing while driving! There was a statistic I heard somewhere saying a person is 8 times more likely to get in an accident while texting. There certainly have been several times where I've had close calls.

That's all the self promises I have for 2010. So no hard feelings if I don't respond to your text message or god forbid not respond within 5 seconds. What are your New Year Promises??

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