
Monday, August 31, 2009

20 emails, 20 rejections

We can't deny it, applying for jobs is far more easier now than it was say 10 years ago. I can apply to 20 jobs in 20 minutes with just a few clicks and uploads using the Internet. Less than a decade ago applying for jobs over the Internet was rarely heard of among average people. Back in the day eager college graduates had to use their printers to produce endless copies of their crisp resumes. The only way to get those hopeful resumes into employers hand's was to physically walk in to the office or snail mail. Now, I can apply for a job in Singapore without leaving my bed. It's kind of ridiculous. With the abundance of technology available our generation has being extremely lazy. I find people, and sometimes myself, cringing at the fact that they have to make a phone call apposed to the sending of an impersonal email. People have lost the capability to communicate in a non-electronic manner.

So our generation is getting bashed again, nothing new. On the flip-side, recent graduates are much more tech-savvy than a current CEO was at our age. We can download, send, blog, tweet, render, text, powerpoint, design, etc. in our sleep. It's an advantage that many of us take for granite. My mother, proudly texting, tells me daily that I should take advantage of my tech-inclined genes while hunting for a job. I tell her, yeah yeah mom, i know.

Since our generation is primarily on the same playing field as far as computer knowledge goes, the competition has now shifted to the creativity of what one can do with their naturally born skills. Walking into an interview with a 4.0 from Northwestern doesn't mean you are good at what you do. Employers are interested in how a candidate uses his or her skills to produce successful results. For one thing, when applying for journalism, writing, PR, marketing jobs (to name only a few fields) one of the main questions posed during the interview is, "Do you keep a blog?" Employers want to know what you are doing with "this God given talent." And if you search the black-hole that is the Internet, you will find every kind of blog and then some. So I ask, what can I do to set me apart from my competitors? Should I walk around with my skills printed on a T-shirt and the words Hire Me on my forehead?

Maybe it is easier to apply for jobs and internships today, but it doesn't mean a person will be anymore successful in landing their "dream job" out of college. The only thing increasing with my rapid job hunt is the amount of rejection or "we went with someone more skilled" replies. However, my spirits are high and rejection only fuels my motivation. I send my best to everyone's personal job obtaining game.

Next up; "It's not what you know, it's who you know"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Meatloaf Special

Whenever I eat out at a restaurant I typically check out what specials the place is offering. While in college my friends and I were frequently strapped for cash and always hit up the local specials of food and beer...penny beers saved me a ton of money. Anyways, the "specials" menu always looks like such a great deal, $3 pints, so many wings for so little, all you can eat blah blah blah. But unfortunately I rarely eat out on a night that is serving anything appetizing or interesting. The past 3 times I have eaten out the special has been meatloaf. Does anyone actually eat meatloaf anymore? And if people do eat it, do they actually order it at a restaurant that specializes in, let's say, Mexican cuisine or pizza??! Just the word meatloaf alone sounds unappetizing. A loaf of meat with ketchup sprinkled on top. I don't think I have had meatloaf in the past 15 years and I don't plan on eating or making it for the rest of my gourmet palette life. The texture and consistency of meatloaf is similar to a sponge...right? It's airy yet there even meat in meatloaf? I've given up on nightly specials. If anyone has had an encounter with meatloaf recently please let me know.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Perez Hilton: Down and Out

About a year ago I checked Perez Hilton's gossip website daily. Now, with my semi-adult responsible life, I have stopped my daily grazing on Perez's site. But when there was that confrontation between Perez and Will.I.Am.'s manager, I revisited his site. I realized then that Perez Hilton dishes out so much sh*t and then gets so defensive when someone rightfully retaliates. It's pathetic. Although most of Perez's posts are true, his personal comments and drawings are rude and down right mean. Perez uses words that are equivalent to "gay" or "fag" (such words that Perez finds offensive to homosexuals like himself). I understand Perez says and does 98% of these things for the publics entertainment, but shouldn't there be a line?? Since then I have boycotted Perez Hilton's website and all other affiliates.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Europe Trip

Planning a trip this October to London, Amsterdam, Berlin and Prague.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What Should Brittany Do Today??

I have a new idea to completely revamp my blog. Actually it will be a completely different blog entirely. The concept is rather simple; people suggest things for me to do each day and in turn I do them and then write about my interesting experience. Now, what people suggest for me to do must be in reason. Fore example, it cannot not be illegal, disgraceful or directly harmful to my body. Here are some ideas that people may suggest (for course people will be more creative): Skydiving, swimming in Lake Michigan, Sears Tower's Ledge, get in an argument with a stranger, eat 10 hot dogs around the city, walk around Michigan Avenue in an entirely purple body suit, bike ride and so on and so on. There is one minor catch- if a person suggests that I do something very extravagant such as skydiving, the person must foot the bill. I am unemployed and do not have $200 to throw out the window-literally. So what will the readers get out of it? Well, while carrying my duties out for the day I will provided pictures, video, a humorous and engaging article. So let me know what you think!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Check this video out that my brother put together for my graduation from Auburn.

The Best Sandwiches

My family used to summer in Harbor Springs, MI until real life began to interfere. Harbor Springs is located at the very top of lower Michigan. One of my favorite places to eat in HS is a small deli and wine shop (similar to the LF Wine and Cheese) named Gurney's. The sandwiches are loaded with freshly sliced meat, thic
k slabs of cheese and a homemade secret deli sauce. The thick slices of soft bread complete every bite. The best thing about Gurney's is the nonchalant atmosphere and the friendliness of the local owner. While only accepting cash for payment, Gurney's has kept a loyal following. Every time I am back in Harbor Springs I can always count on the consistency of Gurney's and the delicious Trainwrek sandwich. I hope Gurney's maintains its small town authentic feel and doesn't sell out sometime down the road. Those of you lucky enough to have experienced one of these gigantic sandwiches you know what I am talking about.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Well, I have finally graduated from college and at the same time upgraded to a new Mac. For the past 4 years I have been lugging around a 12’ PowerBook G4...the screen was the size of a calculator and square. Now, with my MacBook Pro I not only have a rectangular screen, but also a camera and illuminated keyboard...all new and luxurious. I don’t care what anyone says, once you go Mac you never go back. My entire life consists of Apple products and I intend on keeping it that way.

So what’s next for me? Since graduating college less than a week ago, I have already had two job interviews and 0 hires. My outlook is still optimistic even with the unemployment rate climbing daily. In the mean time, I have been brainstorming with my brother on possible business opportunities. And in order to brainstorm we found it necessary to purchase a 4x6 whiteboard. Our basement has been converted in to a control center equipped with thought provoking decor and comfortable creative furniture.

My first idea was to blog and vlog daily and have people donate money and essentially pay to see what I have to say. That idea fizzled out quickly, more to come.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kings Of Leon

I am so jealous of those attending Kings of Leon this weekend at Lollaplooza! Unfortunately, I have a small obligation called college graduation. I still think KOL trumps graduation, however my parents think otherwise. For the rest of you poor fools who are missing them at Lolla don't worry! Tickets are still available for KOL's show in Milwaukee September 26.For those of you going let me know how it is!!

Something to Try

I am usually a generous tipper when it comes to dining out. It takes a lot to go wrong during a meal to effect my perception of the waiter or waitress. This previous weekend I went out to breakfast and although I was hungover and unhappy, the waitress left such a lasting impression on me that I felt compelled to show my gratitude. I ultimately tipped this adorable high schooler 100%.

The rest of the day I was beaming with happiness. I knew the young girl would appreciate the tip and always remember it. Doing little things like this always make me feel good and is such a natural high. I encourage you guys to try it!
Is anyone else feeling extremely discouraged regarding the job search? Some days I am very optimistic and then other days I have nightmares that I am going to end up working at Burger King. If I could truly have it my way I would move to Australia with my 10 best friends and give money to charities as my career.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Tunes

My iTunes has been temporarily invaded by two new bands- The Airborne Toxic Event (T.A.T.E) and The Script- Although the bands have both been around for a few years, their music is currently blowing up American radio stations. The rock band T.A.T.E was formed in Los Angeles and has a recent hit single- Sometime Around Midnight. This song lacks a traditional chorus and is completely refreshing in comparison to that over played Second Chance song. I love driving to their music- especially on my way to work. 

The Script surprisingly has been around since the mid 90's, but have been going by their current name since 2001. This Irish pop rock band has topped the charts and even took over Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl." Definitely check them out and add them to your everyday playlist. The Script's hit single right now is The Man Who Can't Be Moved, but also listen to my favorite, Before the Worst 

Monday, August 3, 2009

[Not So] Funny People

My humor ego was boosted yesterday. I went to go see the new movie Funny People and left bored and with 8 dollars less in my pocket. Everyone has been talking this movie up acting like it is the new Superbad. And that's what it was-super bad. It had a handful of one-liners that got the theater laughing, but the humor was dirty and I found myself laughing only because the rest of the theater was. Adam Sandler looked like he hated acting and wanted to kill himself. Seth Rogen's teeth bothered me even more and all I could think about was the recent Entourage episode. In addition to the lack of comedy, the movie was almost 2 and 1/2 hours long. Story line was drawn out and simply boring. The only plus is that moviegoers are graced with the beauty of Eric Bana.

My advice, since you are blatantly asking, is to not see it. Wait until its on PPV and you have a boring night. Save your money!

There Is No Excuse

I am embarrassed for the lack of posts and therefore will over post. I can blame it on summer school and say that I haven't had time but that's completely false. I can blame it on my busy social schedule, but we all know that is false as well. I blame it on my recent boring life and simple lack of creativity (still pretty false).